We actually found out almost 2 months ago, which seems crazy when I think about it! We went for a gender scan ultrasound while we were visiting my in-laws in Chicago. The place we went to was called MyBabyBump 3D/4D and we brought Brian's Mom, his Aunt Mary, and his 2 sisters Erin & Natalie with us. It was so exciting to find out what this little person is going to be, it just makes things that much more real! π
I didn't want my family to feel left out so I had hired someone to bake a dozen cupcakes and I called her as soon as we found out so she would know to fill them with blue or pink buttercream frosting. I had my mom pick the cupcakes up from her that afternoon and then that evenjg, everyone (my mom, grandma, sister, nieces, nephew, father & aunt) gathered at my mom's house for the big reveal. Before they bit into the cupcakes altogether, everyone gave their final predictions. Brian & I were able to SKYPE with them to see everyone's reactions. It was a fun way to share our happy news! π
We are now 25w5d and we can't wait to meet this little girl! Only about 14 weeks left (give or take) until we become parents and our lives change forever... in the best way possible! I can't believe that I'm going to be someone's Mommy!
A few months ago they reclassified me as high risk due to a few different reasons: 1) the fact that I was overweight pre-pregnancy, 2) my back problems, 3) my thyroid issues. All that really means is that they're going to monitor me more closely which is perfectly fine with me! Because of the high risk classification and the fact that I have a thyroid problem, they're requiring that I come in for growth scans every 4 weeks so they can measure the baby and make sure she has been growing appropriately (so far, so good) - my next growth scan is the day after tomorrow and I can't wait to see how big she is or how much she weighs! I love seeing her and hearing her heartbeat, it will never get old to me!
I'll post another update after my ultrasound (no, really... I will!) - lately I've been reading over my old blog posts and reminiscing about memories that I had forgotten about. It makes me wish I had been better about keeping up with this blog but it's never to late to start! π
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