Well, it's happened again... it's like I blinked and the next thing I knew, we're more than halfway through June! I can't believe that today is the first official day of Summer... the last day of school was last week, so the rugrats are already celebrating their freedom while the rest of us grown-ups have to drag ourselves to work every day. Oh, how I miss childhood! But I can't really complain... tonight is my first night back to work after 14 glorious days off! Besides getting some extra R&R in, here's what I've been up to these past few weeks...
Brian and I are now the proud parents of... a fish!! We went to Valley View Farms to get some things we needed for our backyard pond and while we were there... we got some oxygenating plants, some floating flowers, some tadpoles, some snails, and the fish which we decided to name "Gil". Gil is a calico and he seems to be enjoying his new life at our house, so far! Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure...
if you look VERY closely, you might be able to see Gil... he's a little camera shy! LoL
my pretty floating flowers :)

the "before" picture of the pond... I'll get to work on an "after" picture ASAP!
Last week, a new seafood carryout called "Wye Knot Crabs" opened in the Riverside Shopping Center just up the road from my house. I decided to surprise Brian with our first crabs of the season... after a short lesson in Crab-Picking 101, we dove headfirst into this dozen of deliciousness!! They were SCRUMPTIOUS!!! These crabs were heavy, meaty, sweet, well seasoned, and everything else you want a crab to be... they were WELL worth the $20/dozen I paid for them on special. And now they've started to offer a 10% discount for fire/EMS personnel, so I'm looking forward to going back again soon!
a dozen of DELICIOUSNESS!!!
Brian & I had a "date night" on Monday... we went to the carnival in Jarrettsville and we had such a good time! We rode the Tilt-a-Whirl, Bumper Cars, Pirate Ship and my favorite, the Ferris Wheel! We walked around, ate some yummy carnival food, played some games and Brian won me a prize! How cute is this little guy?!

a dozen of DELICIOUSNESS!!!
Last week, my 81-year old Grandmother took a tumble outside on the deck... face first! She has some bumps and bruises, but thank God she wasn't hurt more seriously. No one was home at the time, so if she had hit her head or something worse it would've been hours before someone had found her! This lady makes me WORRY!!!!!
Brian & I had a "date night" on Monday... we went to the carnival in Jarrettsville and we had such a good time! We rode the Tilt-a-Whirl, Bumper Cars, Pirate Ship and my favorite, the Ferris Wheel! We walked around, ate some yummy carnival food, played some games and Brian won me a prize! How cute is this little guy?!
He also brought me flowers (AGAIN... what a sweetie pie!) and they were BEAUTIFUL! See...
Tuesday June 8th was the last night of the Citizens' Academy that I've been attending every Tuesday for the last 16 weeks. I can now say that I am officially a graduate of the Harford County Sheriff's Office Citizens' Police Acadamy Class #16! We had a small graduation ceremony at Harford Community College... it was very nice! We got diplomas and some other goodies as congratulatory gifts from the Command Staff. Looking back, the class was very interesting, informative, and worthwhile. I'm glad I got the chance to participate, but I'm also glad that my Tuesday's are free again!
I've been feeling a little spontaneous lately, and I've been itching for a road trip... combine that with the fact that Rascal Flatts was scheduled to play on The Today Show on Friday for their Summer Concert Series and I devised a plan! I've never seen Rascal Flatts in concert but I've always wanted to. It just so happened that I was off this day and the concert was free, so I thought it would be fun to go to. Unfortunately, Brian had a mandatory meeting at work and couldn't go with me so I recruited two of my co-workers and former classmates, Christy and her fiance Chris, to come with me. Our mini-road trip began at about 1:45 am and we arrived in "The Big Apple" at about 4am. When we first rode past Rockefeller Plaza, there were only about 4 people standing in line. By the time we found suitable parking and walked back, there were about 30 or so people in line ahead of us. After a few hours of standing in line, security finally let us through. We packed in like sardines and waited for the start of the show. The band played "Summer Nights", "Life is a Highway", "Unstoppable" and one other song that I can't think of right this second! Afterwards, we walked around Times Square and did some window shopping and a little bit of real shopping too... Christy was looking for a I <3 NY onesie for her baby-to-be! Before we headed home, we stopped to get some authentic New York pizza... mmm, mmm, MMM!!! Let's just say that it was every bit as good as I thought it would be! LoL
here's what The Today Show stage looks like at o'dark thirty!
and here's what it looks like when we're waiting for the show to start!
a visit to NY wouldn't be complete without stopping by NYPD in Times Square!
silly photo op with a man dressed up as the Statue of Liberty :)

Times Square to the left...

Times Square to the right...
Radio City Music Hall... home of the Rockettes!
On Saturday 6/12, Brian went to visit his/our friend Jith in Virginia to hang out and watch The World Cup. Since I'm not really "into" soccer, I stayed at home and told Brian & Jith to have a boys night. My sister called that morning and asked if I could watch my nephew for the day because she had some training to go to for work; she dropped him off around 1pm and I kept him until about 10:30pm. Khalid was such a big helper, carrying things for me and helping me with little chores around the house. As a reward for all his help, I took him to Chuck E. Cheese and met up with my best buddy Maria and her two kids, Kaden and Bailey. The kids were so well behaved that we decided to go get ice cream afterwards. Kaden & Khalid became fast friends, even though neither one of them could seem to remember the other one's name! LoL
Khalid & Kaden = best buddies
Bailey and her lip gloss... LoL
playing nicely together... aww!!! (why does my nephew look like a thug?!)
Last Friday, Brian & I were just 2 of 14 people who drove to Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania to watch my friends' daughter Sydney perform in a dance recital. Sydney has been dancing for 6 years but this was my first time ever going to one her recitals and I loved it... the dancers ranged in age from about 4-5 years old (the little ones were SO cute in their little tu-tu's) all the way up to adults! Sydney participated in about 5 or 6 dances and she did such a good job! Here she is after the performance...
I think that's just about all, for now... but stay tuned because Brian's birthday is only 5 days away (yay, now technically I won't be older than him anymore! LoL) and I've got a surprise planned for him!! =)
I think that's just about all, for now... but stay tuned because Brian's birthday is only 5 days away (yay, now technically I won't be older than him anymore! LoL) and I've got a surprise planned for him!! =)
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